Book Series

Above is the process I took into creating one of the hard back books that I need for my book series project.

I chosen to create hard backs because I find them smarter, because they give off more of a proud statement. If that makes sense! However when it came to finding the materials, I struggled to gather original materials needed to create the book.

I started out with stitching signatures of two together, and in total I stitched 30 signatures together. I then found some material that’s similar to skrim and glued it to the spine with end paper on each side that’s coloured. I then recycled the cardboard from a cover from an old sketchbook. It was difficult to find card that was thick enough, however using card I already had (even if it was another book cover) seemed perfect. I cut out from the card the two sides and the spine for both books. I also struggled to find book cloth, so instead I used some thick material I already had, ironed it and used spray mount rather than glue to to cover the cardboard. I knew because of the nature of the material that If i used PVA glue, it would have soaked through. I’m really glad at the results and how it turned out. As a make-shift recyled book, it looks very smart.