Month: November 2011

Photoshop Tutorial: As part of the unit, we have had some tutorials to learn the basics. The images above are from experimenting with the mask tool. We were given a picture of a couple and selected around them to paste them in the new surrounding. A handy technique to remember.


Understanding Page layout: Changing font, with a book with multiple pages, you can use something called master pages. To repeat a layout you need to select the ‘A’ master page, which is locked but is able to be repeated. Command shift and click on an object that’s an A master page to unlock the object. […]

There can’t be anyone that dosen’t remember this explosion of colour of an advert, it was a brilliant idea.

It’s taking an aspect of nature that helped me produce my final designs for letterpress. Using the leaves created a unique look, depending entirely on the leaves and their texture for the print. These photos are my own to show the differences of colour each leaf changes too through autumn.


More indesign! The next step after setting up the Indesign document: Understanding the basics, to work with a grid you need to go to; Layout – Guides Starting out with a modular grid 3 by 3 or 5 by 5. Quite often odd numbers is uneasy to the eye. You can click and type in […]

InDesign Tutorial

I was recently introduced to the Adobe Software InDesign, which I happened to be completely new to. The tutorials are vital for me to learn the software and understand how to use it even on a basic level; because of the editorial book i have to create. InDesign is a piece of software that brings […]

A technique I learnt in a recent Photoshop tutorial, is the ability to create a panoramic photograph. All you need is multiple photos of one landscape/scene. In Photoshop click File- Automate – Photomerge. (see first image) A box will appear that will have many options with to play with. To keep this basic, load up […]

This is the final result after i took pictures of how i interpreted frustrtion on each page. I tore each piece up