Google Analytics

I decided to install Google Analytic’s on my website.

Having a website means having goals that I want a visitor to accomplish. Analytics is a valuable tool to have for monitoring and tracking efficiency of my site. It shows statistics from the amount of visitors to the path which visitors take through the website from page to page. Although there’s very little data for mine at the moment, it’s however an great tool to use for future purposes where I can make improvements after viewing a bigger collection statistics.

It allows to me to make changes where necessary, for example it will display the duration of time that viewers spend on my website. Which is important when referring back to keeping viewers interested for longer than five seconds which is the key point which more viewers will leave a site. If the statistics show most leave fairly quickly, then I will need to alter the level of interest I display on my front page.

With this tool I can:

  • Make ongoing changes to draw a greater number of viewers.
  • Evaluate traffic flow
  • Improve my web page quality

It’ll be a while before I can start to benefit from from Google Analytic’s, but once I have enough information, I can start to alter my website to make improvements.