Month: October 2012

‘Truths’ ‘Fernando Reza’ created a series of World War II themed Super Mario Bros propaganda posters. Nothing says American pride like propaganda. Fro is a graphic designer based in Los Angeles who makes some pretty compelling retro poster designs for classic and contemporary works of film and television. These poster interpretations have minimalism combined with […]

‘Truths’ Quick research into different styles of Propaganda posters around the time of World War Two. Looking at these also helps to determine what type of graphic system i want to use with my own posters. I’d like to use a WW2 themed style, or a modern version of WW2 techniques of design. Colours are […]

Graphic Systems

The most obvious direction of research in choosing a Graphic System for my project ‘Truths’ based on WW2, is to look into styles of design around that point in History. bau·haus What is Bauhaus? “A school of design established by Walter Gropius in Weimar in 1919, best known for its designs of objects based on […]

Project ‘Truths’ Here are a set of World War 2 Posters, I can’t find any information, but they speak for themselves through the message repeated on each. They have an old look to them that I am considering in my own design of World War 2 posters. Keeping a record of these may be useful […]

Few sets of poster series that represent graphic systems through the design. Each has a set of rules that carry a theme through the design. These are the most modern of designs that I have looked at.

Swiss designer – ‘Demian Conrad’

Swiss designer Demian Conrad has created a series of posters for a flea market in Bellinzona, Switzerland. Called Mercantico, the posters feature photographed compositions of objects from the market. “Brocante” is a french word used for flea and antique markets. “Mercantico” takes the name after this concept. The idea of the campaign is to capture […]

Project Truths Familiarising myself with the events of WW2. Looking into WW2 and specifically the breach of Omaha beach, I’ve found some seriously powerful imagery. Whilst researching, I’m considering what style of graphic system I want for my series of posters. On the one hand I could use the typical style of around 1944, and […]

These images are a series of factual information about WW2 that explore the comparative relationships between production and casualties. They’re a good representation of using my subject area that incorporate a set of rules through the design. As info-graphics/ information architecture they have a balance of data and imagery that bring a subject to life. […]

The images of posters above is a great representation carrying a graphic system through a series that link each one to the next. A better way of looking at graphic systems is to consider them like a set of rules or a typographic grid to follow with the design. eightyseven: Wear Sunscreen A series of […]