Decision time…

From all the designers, the one in particular that stood out for me was Oded Ezer.

How we have to choose our designers in entirely up to us, so rather than searching through the work of each typographer and favouring one that way; I decided to just listen to each interview and get a feel for the typographers that way. When listening to the interviews , there were three that I enjoyed listening to the most, and they were; Kris Sowersby, Marian Bantjes and Oded Ezer. I liked these over the others because I actually ‘enjoyed’ the interview, the kind of remarks they make, the laughs and ‘wisdom’/ experience they delivered. However over all, Oded Ezer stood out on top purely because of the way he speaks, his outlook on life and his opinions. I felt I could relate more to his idea of typography and how he sees the world through his eyes.

When I moved on to looking into the typographers work, it was a case of luck that out of all it was Oded Ezer’s work that I found most interesting and inspiring. He focuses more on the process of his experimental world, which is something I need to be more aware of in my own development.