Author: Amanda Ferris

Illustrator tutorial Although I’m quite familiar with Illustrator, it’s always good to get the chance to revisit all the basics to keep up to date on the knowledge. In session today we covered the main tools used within Illustrator and other tips and techniques to remember (hopefully!) e.g. changing the units, using the pen tool, […]

Found this colourful design connecting time and typography.

Alan Kitching Letterpress

It’s art if can’t be explained. It’s fashion if no one asks for an explanation. It’s design if it doesn’t need explanation. Wouter Stokkel In search for inspiration for my Letterpress mixed with Time, I came across this selection of images created out of typography to represent an occasion. Instead of using letters to create type, I like the idea of using type to create an image. It’s different, effective and done correctly could work well. It’s just […]

These three are fantastic expressional forms of Typography. I recently found a selection of ‘black and white’ typography and selected these three as my favourite. The impact of white and black in type adds a sentiment of class to a design; much like that of black and white movies. They will always remind me of […]

Illustration by Nadia Flower. I love the simplicity, and patches of colour, something i may give a go myself!